Simplest usage

Silverjuke is as easy as it can be: Just select the titles to be played next - that's it!

By default, selected titles will be played after the previously selected. You will have an extremely fast access on your music library which may contain tenthousands of tracks from different sources. All sources together will appear as a single music library.

New: The most recent comes with UPnP/DLNA-support, a new Equalizer using high-quality FIR-Filters, new Prelisten functions and new visualizations.

As you can see on the different screenshots, Silverjuke is fully skinable.

Albums and Covers

Silverjuke will combine independent titles to albums.

In addition to the album view, Silverjuke also provides cover overview and a classical list view - this will give you the best overview for all purposes.

By right-click on a cover you will open the cover editor where you can also search for covers on the web. Covers may be enlarged by a double-click.

Kiosk and Touchscreen

Silverjuke is ready for use with touchscreens: Skins with large controls allow an easy selection. For searching, use the virtual keyboard.

The kiosk mode allows to use the program in full-screen mode with reduced functionality; access to other programs may be disabled.

There are only keys available? Just try our Numpad controls.

Search and music selection

Just type into the quick search field of the main window - Silverjuke will display the result immediately.

Moreover you can create any music selections from your archive.


If you music archive contains karaoke files, just enqueue them as normal titles - when the're played, Silverjuke will show the song text.

Silverjuke supports the CDG und LRC format. The karaoke-screen may optionally be shown on a second screen.

More Features

Sound: For your best listening experience, Silverjuke always uses 32 bit for the sound processing internally and works as close to your sound hardware as possible.

Crossfading between tracks: The crossfading time is adjustable, crossfading may be disabled. Silence at the beginning and at the end of a track may be skipped for gapless output or for smarter crossfading.

Autovolume: Silverjuke may adapt the volume "on the fly" if different tracks have different volume levels. The calculated volume may be written into the database for later reuse.

Automatic control: Silverjuke can play tracks automatically by your defaults. Esp. in combination with the kiosk mode, you can give your jukebox a very personal touch this way.

Smart shuffle: Silverjuke comes with a smart, customizable shuffle functions thats allows you to define "how much" a playlist is shuffled.

Limit play time, Resume, Jingles and many other unique playback settings that are very useful for desktop and jukebox players.

(Multi-)edit track information: You may edit the track informaton of one or several selected tracks just by a right-click. Moreover, Silverjuke comes with replace-, split- and rename-tools. Optionally, the track information can be written to (ID3-)tags.
Moreover, the newer versions also read and write the ratings from/to the music files.

M3U-, PLS-, CUE and XSPF-playlists will be read and written supporting relative and absolute paths. Intelligent path subsitution if playlists have been moved.

Take it with you! Silverjuke does not require an installation to work. You may put Silverjuke together with your music on an USB-stick or on an MP3-player.

Offline, no tracking: Silverjuke can be used completely offline and does not track you or your customers.

Open Source: Silverjuke also comes in a Version with all the well-known Open Source advantages

Last of all but not least, there may be many features that are not listed here - but you can try Silverjuke out for free!

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